Okay- for those of you who know me... you know that I am pretty easy-going with MOST things. But this swine flu thing has me all freaked out. I don't know why. Maybe because I have a baby again... Maybe because I've been thinking about pulling my children out of public school already and this is JUST ANOTHER reason. Or maybe my thyroid medication is all screwy and I'm just emotional. Who knows..... I can't help myself from checking the United States & International totals every day. (Here's the website..
http://www.cdc.gov/h1n1flu/ ) I know it's totally treatable and they're in the process of developing a vaccine and because of the media and technology these days the likelihood of millions of us dying is rare, but STILL.... I just can't let it go. KC is sick of hearing about it... I even ordered facemasks on e-bay before the price went up. You never know....
KC's uncle, Paul, sent us this pic via e-mail & it pretty much sums up how I feel. I love all of you but seriously... if you get sick... you're on your own, man.

woo hoo!!!! new background and everything!!!!
no joke that cartoon is great. i'll try to contain my sneezing when around you.
LOL!!! Great stuff! Hand in there! School is almost out, and they say that the sun gives kids great antibodies, and helps them fight colds and other diseases... get them outside playing! It's for their health!
I'm wihcha there Sista!!! I'm as freaked out over this as you are. I'll listen to you if K.C. is sick of hearing about it..LOL..
I love that cartoon way funny..thanks for the share today..
Have a nice Day..Hugs..
Two posts in the same YEAR!?!?!? What are you trying to do - set some sort of RECORD?! I've decided we need to get together - when was the last time? July of '05? Really? Is that acceptable? No, no it is NOT!
I didn't know you were thinking about the non public school thing...
Thanks again for the play date. McKenna was happy to have her here. They had a great time.
the swine flu is TOTALLY taking over the public schools! get your kids outta there and never go back =D
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