So I haven't posted since I got high-speed internet and thought I'd take a shot at it. I love writing, I've always loved writing, and I've made a goal of writing more. So for now, since I'm already behind today, I'm just going to post some pics but be prepared for more random ramblings from the Nay home. As I just typed "Nay home" it reminded me of my funny children whose claim to fame in the scriptures is that Ishmael (remember him? Lehi's sons went back to Jerusalem to get his daughters to marry them) anyway... when Ishmael died in the wilderness it was in a place called Nahom. There are multiple pronunciation interpretations but my children, obviously, prefer "Nayhome". LOL! Did I mention these would be random ramblings. LOVE IT!
So these next pics are of Tessa doing what she does best..... Sleeping. I am blessed to have children who LOVE to sleep!
Rocking Chair.....
On the floor with "Monkey".... we love that little Monkey, Nonnie. Despite his "pickable" nose.
With Uncle Kyle...
Love the pictures!! How funny that she can sleep in a toybox! Love it!
WOW a post! I can't blame you though for not wanting to bother with the slower internet. Cute sleeping pics. My kids will only sleep in their beds...sometimes the car, but that's it. I'm excited for more random makes me feel close to you again. Did I mention that we miss you guys? See you soon!
it's about freakin time! what is the distance between posts cuz I think you set a record in bloggitybloggervillelandlane
YAY FOR NAY!!! more posts more posts
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