I have just a second and wanted to post about how proud I am of my Bethany. She is terrified of sports. Not of the playing.... but of the yelling coaches. LOL! We go to Kamron's practices and games of every sport and all she see is adults yelling at children. LOL! She seriously hates it. I've tried to explain to her that the coaches have to yell while the kids are making noise and dribbling & running down the court or.... they have to yell because those darn football helmets get in the way... But regardless of the reasons... She does not like it.
We figured softball was a more mellow sport.... and it took some convincing to get her to play... we had to call her friends and make sure she would know somebody. And we had to tell her that she was not the only girl who was playing softball for the first time.... she finally agreed.
So we went down to City Hall and signed her up. When we got home from City Hall she sat down and wrote a story (my kids love to write. Bethany writes stories... Kamron writes poetry). The story was about a little girl who signed up for softball for the first time and ends up on a team with a horribly mean coach, Mr. Green Eyes. She still claims that it was totally fictional and she wasn't afraid to play softball. Hmmmmm.. We have since thrown away the story because she thought it was silly & didn't want to see it again.
Cute quote # 1. After the first practice she says to me, "Mom! Thank you sooooo much for making me play softball! It is soooo fun! I LOOOOOOVE it!"
Cute quote # 2. After the 2nd practice she looks at all of us like a teacher correcting her children... "You guys! Only the PITCHER has to throw the ball underhand in softball. Everbody else can throw it OVERHAND!" LOL! I was dying....
And to top it off... her first game, her first time at bat, and YAYYYYYY!!! She gets a hit!