Yeah. I'm not liking this kids getting older stuff. I came home last night from something at church and I swear Tessa had grown like 6 inches. She just seemed so big. 
And Bethany...Bethany outgrew her church shoes a month or so ago and we haven't been to the valley to buy more so what did she do this Sunday? She wore mine. They were only a size or so big for her. um what? 
And Kamron...Kamron is actually keeping his room clean without me asking...AND- he's a webelos scout. Next thing you know he'll get his Eagle and then he'll be driving and then he'll be on his mission. YIKES!
Let me make this very clear. I WANT THIS ALL TO STOP. NOW! Normally when I say that it works. It's not working right now. I must resort to other measures. I'll talk to KC tonight about locking my kids in their rooms for a year or 2... LOL!
I’d like to share with you a poem I wrote today for Tessa. It combines the urgency I feel to teach my children about the things they need to know but also the reluctance I feel in letting them grow up. I hope you like it.
My Dearest Tessa Marae;
If I could keep you small I would.
I’d cradle you with tender care.
Your baby nails would never grow.
We’d never leave this rocking chair.
If I could keep you small I would.
I’d wrap you tight in blankets snug.
I’d stare into your eyes all day.
We’d be each other’s cuddle bugs.
If I could keep you small I would.
Your baby scent would never leave.
You’d be my world, and I’d be yours.
A happiness some ne’er achieve.
If I could keep you small I would.
Your little voice would stay so sweet
Your heart so pure, your love so true
Your smile, a warm and blessed treat.
But you must grow – it’s awfully true.
I cannot stop our Father’s Plan.
You must grow big. You must be strong.
I must do everything I can.
To help prepare and teach you
All the ways that you must go.
It will be hard - but I’ll be here.
Don’t cry right now. You’ve time to grow.
Right now I think we’ll stay right here.
And rock and sing and coo and smile.
I know I cannot keep you small, but
We still have a little while.
Love, Mommy
My Dearest Tessa Marae;
If I could keep you small I would.
I’d cradle you with tender care.
Your baby nails would never grow.
We’d never leave this rocking chair.
If I could keep you small I would.
I’d wrap you tight in blankets snug.
I’d stare into your eyes all day.
We’d be each other’s cuddle bugs.
If I could keep you small I would.
Your baby scent would never leave.
You’d be my world, and I’d be yours.
A happiness some ne’er achieve.
If I could keep you small I would.
Your little voice would stay so sweet
Your heart so pure, your love so true
Your smile, a warm and blessed treat.
But you must grow – it’s awfully true.
I cannot stop our Father’s Plan.
You must grow big. You must be strong.
I must do everything I can.
To help prepare and teach you
All the ways that you must go.
It will be hard - but I’ll be here.
Don’t cry right now. You’ve time to grow.
Right now I think we’ll stay right here.
And rock and sing and coo and smile.
I know I cannot keep you small, but
We still have a little while.
Love, Mommy
I challenge each of you moms out there to find just a moment today to stop. I listened to a speaker last night at the American Mother's Meeting who spoke on what she thought about the quote "Wherever you are.... Just be there." She spoke about her sister who, to fight her frustration of sleepless nights with her new baby would take that time in the middle of the night to pray for that child. Amazing. Feeding a baby in the middle of the night and praying for that child. She continued the habit on as her kids grew older and became teenagers and she was up at night worrying about them. She'd sit in her home waiting for them to come home and she'd pray for them.
Sooo.. stop today. Just for a minute. Stop thinking about dinner and the carpool and the field trip next week and your church lesson on Sunday and all the other things that we have to worry about. Just stop. And figure out where you are and be there. I know it's not natural, because as women and mothers we are planners and worriers and fixers. But take a one minute break today because time goes sooo fast. Speaking of which, I need to get going.
Peace and love to you all!